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Swastik Chinah |
ॐ गं गणपतये नमः॥
Lord Ganesha is one such God who is worshiped in the beginning of every prayer, yagna, religious ceremony and even new things are welcomed with 'Swastik' symbol which is drawn on using red sacred powder (KUMKUM). As per hindu tradition, devotees also wear yellow and orange 'kumkum'. Now the question arises....
Why every celebration is commenced with Lord Ganesha's prayer or worship?
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Kumkum |
A time long ago, soon after birth of Lord Ganesha, there was a fight among Devas that who should be worshiped first before any new beginning. Communities were made on name of Vishnu Bhagat, Shiv Bhagat and so on. Everyone loved their Aradhya (particular God). Now issue had been made on this and every yagna, religious celebration was put to rest. Nobody had its solution and in the end, all Devas went to Mahadev (महादेव) on Kailash Pravat (कैलाश पर्वत). A competition (Pratisapradha-प्रतिस्प्रधा) had been arranged between Gods, according to which, every God needs to complete 3 rounds of this whole Universe (Sabhi ko iss sansar ke 3 chakra pure karne the). And who would complete these 3 rounds at first, would be worshiped as 'Pratham Pujaye' (प्रथम पूजय ) forever, not only for this kalpa (कल्प) but in coming kalpas even.
("Every kalpa has Yugs. This kalpa has 4 Yugs -Satyug (सतयुग), Tretayug (त्रेतायुग), Dwaparyug (द्वापरयुग), Kaliyug (कलियुग). It is written in Purans (पुराण) that coming kalpa will have 5 Yugs, everything is predicted and decided")
Competition was decided to begin on next day with sunrise. Devraj Indra, Agni dev, Surya dev, Pavan dev, Chandra dev, God Kartikaye (Mahadev's elder son), Lord Ganesh were participating in this event with their respective vehicles (Vahan-वाहन). Lord Ganesha has Mushak (मूषक) (Mouse, Rat) as his vehicle. Mushak was slowest among other God's vehicles.
Next day had begin, but there was no sunrise as Surya dev was himself participating in this competition, which could establish him as 'Pratham-Pujaye' (First worshiped God). Everyone made their presence on Kailash and were ready to begin. Nandi (Mahadev's Vahan, the bull) asked Lord Ganesha to exchange him with Mushak, as Mushak was very slow in pace. Lord Ganesha refused this offer saying that 'it is not good to leave my vahan for the fear of losing.' This is first example for his sensitive nature, even towards his vahan.
Pratisapradha had begin. All set to go but Lord Ganesha, to everyone's surprise, turned towards Kailash as he was reminded of his daily Puja, which he offers to Shivlinga.
There was no sunrise at that day as Surya dev forgot his duty for the sake of winning new designation. The whole world (Srishti) was overwhelmed by darkness and cool of night. Everything on earth was devoid of life-giving energy. Kailash is the center point (Kendra-Bindu, केन्द्र बिंदु) of this world, Lord Ganesha firstly lit an earthen-lamp (दिवा) in Kailash near to Mahadev-Parvati Maa sacred sitting place. This lits the whole world. Ganesha this way, fulfilled duty of God Sun, irrespective of his delay for the participation in the race. This is second instance for his patient nature and sensitivity towards world. This also reveals his inner cool.
Thirdly, Ganesha performed his Puja to his aradhya Mahadev. He offered jal, belpatra, datura, pushap to Shivlinga (शिवलिंग) and completed his prayer. This puja (पूजा) is his daily routine (din charaya ka ek hissa) and for the sake of anything, he couldn't afford to leave this. This is an example of his non-greedy nature. He does not have want of any position or designation. He loves his aradhya and can not forget him.
After completing his duties, Lord Ganesha now present for the pratisapradha (competition). For him, his whole world is his parents i.e. Mahadev and Maa Parvati. He requested both of them to sit on their place on kailash and himself made 3 rounds of them seated on mushak. On asking them, why he did so? Ganesha replied that for a child (santan), his whole world is his parents and so he made 3 rounds of them. Both Shiv and Shakti was very happy knowing Ganesha's views.
By this time, pratisapradha had also over. All the participants had returned Kailash. Kartikaye was the first to reach and so everyone expected him to be the winner. In everyone's eye, Ganesha had not participated in this event. Mahadev proclaimed Ganesha to be the winner of this pratisapradha and hence Pratham-pujaye (first worshiped God) in this world from now on. This shocked other participants. Everyone showed their interest to know the reason behind this.
Mahadev explained, Ganesha deserved this honour due to his patient (संयमित), calm (शान्त), sensitive (संवेदनशील) attitude towards situations and duties towards world. Firstly, he had no desire for any position to fulfill his duties. Secondly, he did not forget his daily offerings to his Aradhya (अराध्य) inspite of this competition. This showed his determination to stick to things, no matter whatever the situation is.
(One day Ganesha had determined to do Puja daily, after heard about the significance of the same from his mother Maa Parvati and this was his routine since then.)
Thirdly, he showed respect towards his vahan mushak, did not replace him with Nandi despite the offer and high chance of winning this competition. Attitude of reverence towards every being in this world is the reverence to God itself.
Fourthly, he fulfilled duty of Surya dev by lighting earthen-lamp (दिवा), when the whole world was suffering from cold harsh conditions and saved their lives. Again he showed his sensitive nature and gave priority to world welfare (सृष्टि-कल्याण).
Finally, he gave elevated example of the real meaning of whole-world (संसार) for a child (संतान). He made three rounds with his vahan of both of us. He explained this to us, 'एक संतान के लिए तो उस के माता- पिता ही पूरा संसार होते है। ' (for a child his parents are his whole world). A truth which every one should accept.
'Parents are guide, protector, friend, nurturer, teacher and many more than this to their children. Every child should respect them. Even God do not forgive that person, who disrespects his parents. World even do not care for a child who has no parent to protect him. More than this, God has made mother to feel the child that he is under his care.'
Mahadev continued with Ganesha's worthiness for this title and said Ganesha due to his nature, attitude, qualities, perspective is eligible to be worshiped as Pratham-Pujaye. He asked everyone for any questions regarding his decision. Everyone, in return showed their acceptance and celebrated this occasion with great happiness.
In this way, Ganesha became first worshiped God and all the communities, believers accepted this decision by heart.
"In every ending, there is new beginning."
" ॐ गं गणपतये नमः "
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